Saturday, June 27, 2020
12pm-2pm HST
3pm-5pm PST
5pm-7pm CST
6pm-8pm EST
The People’s Collective for Justice and Liberation invites you to a Town Hall called Femmes and Queers On The Frontlines.
As we build on the knowledge that anti-Asian racism is made possible by anti-Blackness and anti-indigeneity, we hear directly from femmes and queers on the frontlines who will make the connection between racism, misogyny, ableism, homophobia and transphobia.
During Pride Month, in light of the uprisings in support of the movement for Black lives and the ongoing COVID pandemic, we want to make clear the Intersections of Racial, Gender, LGBTQ2IA+ and Disability Justice.
Join us for a conversation on how we must shift resources away from law enforcement and shelters to community and place based models for justice, liberation and joy. This means we echo the demand to #DefundThePolice and reallocate funds towards education, health, housing, jobs and protecting the environment.
18 Million Rising
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Asian Solidarity Collective
Can’t Stop! Won’t Stop! Consulting
Freedom Inc.
The People’s Collective for Justice and Liberation
Town Hall Goals
Grounding conversation in pride is political and started as a riot at Stonewall in response to police violence and was led by Trans women of color (Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera)
Shifting away from law enforcement and shelters as a response to domestic violence, making connections to #DefundThePolice demand from Movement for Black Lives
Revisiting definitions of safety and security for our community
Shedding light on gender based violence, tying white supremacy and heteropatriarchy together and how COVID-19 exacerbated these systems
Sharing community and place based models and visions for justice, liberation and joy
Lydia X.Z. Brown, Disability Justice Advocacy and Organizer
Chhaya Chhoum, Mekong NYC
Cayden Mak, 18 Million Rising
Monica Simpson, Sister Song
Amita Swadhin, Mirror Memoirs
Bo Thao-Urabe, Coalition of Asian American Leaders of MN
Kabzuag Vaj, Freedom Inc.
Isa Woldeguiorguis, The Center for Hope and Healing, Inc.